1. interview (pdf)

2. review program syllabus (pdf)

3. begin Found Object Book

4. Consider research topics

5. Read (handouts)+ Smith

6. Write 2 page seminar critical reflection (see syllabus)

7. Collect tools and materials for first binding.

8. Do not cut off fingers.

9. Independent project memo1.

10. Choose print medium.


This space will not try to duplicate the weekly schedule or detail events; see readings or qtr at a glance for scheduling.

Instead, I'll use this space for revisions, additional notes, files, and things that come up-- sort of an electronic chalk board.

Please email or call with questions, pleas for help and forgiveness. Or stop by...

867 5745

Sem 2, C3108

I will try to be in my office after class until about 4:30, mon-thurs. Come by any time or make an appointment.




see memo 1 in checklist, if needed


go to print processes


go to raised cords