This page is for interesting links related to the program topics... or just things the students like.
Independent Media in a Time of War (Democracy Now!)
Columbia Journalism Review: Who Owns What
PowerPoint makes you dumb (NY Times)
Conservatives target testicles (Common
How to tell if a cow has 'Mad Cow' (RTF format)
Bush aims to dodge tough poll issues (Common
Bush to offer initiative to explore space (NY Times)
The Prison Industrial Complex and the Global Economy
NPR: 'Framing' Political Arguments
The Awesome Destructive Power of the Corporate Power Media (The Black Commentator)
Al Sharpton dances with the devil (Village Voice)
Don Burke - Financial Services (Thank you, Max!)
Man Who Killed the Mad Cow Has Questions of His Own (NY Times)
Why the Mars rover experienced difficulties
US Voting Record at the UN
The Spin Doctors are at it again (Share the Wealth)
How the Media Deceives You About Health Issues (Tate Metro Media)
George Bush and the Real State of the Union (Common

Email Jeff or Talia with any more you find.