project chart

project basics pdf

Your winter quarter writing project is the primary mode for demonstrating your engagement and learning in the program as a whole. Your skills as a writer, researcher, and “arguer” are considered essential to completing this course and moving on in your undergraduate studies.

Capturing the philosophical, historical, and practical themes of the program within a particular, focussed argument will establish your degree of mastery of those themes and your ability to read and think critically, skills considered necessary for any future endeavor.



• To develop research and writing skills

• To develop and support unique perspectives on key themes

• To develop critical thinking and reading skills



• Connection to a key concept/theme/question of the program

• Use of some fall and some winter quarter program texts in the substantiation of your claim

• Minimal amount of outside research to enrich and focus ideas

•Completion of each stage of the process in a timely manner and as determined by your faculty advisor

• A final presentation with your peer group



workshops: participation and documentation in portfolio

research: documentation in portfolio and evident in final draft

peer review: in class (attendance); peer evaluation

tutor meetings: documentation in portfolio and from tutor

faculty advisor: individual & peer group meetings

presentation: role in presenting and evidence of preparation in portfolio



Generating ideas.............. (weeks 1-2)

Developing thesis..............(weeks 2-3)

Outlining...........................(weeks 3-4)

Drafting.............................(weeks 4-5)

First draft............................(weeks 5-6)

Second draft.........................(weeks 6-7)

Third Draft..........................(weeks 7-8)

Final Draft.........................(week 8-9)

Presentation...........................(week 9/10)