Dec. 15-19:
Evaluation conferences with your faculty seminar leader... Schedule
for Chuck's
Nov. 22:We have posted
the schedule for project presentations for
Dec. 4 and 8. Please check the time you've been given and let us know
of any special arrangements that have to be made. Plan on taking 10-15
minutes for your presentation.
Nov. 18: Here are some
notes from Thad and Chuck on the essay question we asked in the exam.
Nov. 5: article about kids and the senses
Here's an article about an integrated unit on kids and the senses (with
a short list of kids' books about the senses): "Journey
into the Five Senses"
Oct. 29: revised syllabus
Please notice that we have rearranged the reading for the rest of the
quarter. By doing so, we can continue the pattern of having 3-5 page essays
due on Tuesday and one page exercises due on Thursday. Also, we are not
asking you to write essay on Perfume, just the exercise (due tomorrow).
Oct. 25: exam
Please see the syllabus for the exam schedule.
Oct. 25: reading We will have only one seminar on Suskind's novel Perfume. Please
read all of it if you possibly can by Tuesday. A second seminar is
now scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 11. [updated 10/29]
Oct. 17: Changing email addresses
A note from Thad, "People seem to be changing their e-mail addresses
pretty often! You can always e-mail me about changing your address on
the perception list, but it would be even niftier if you did it yourself
using the web interface to the listserver. You go to
Find the list you want. (Perception is in Program Lists.) Click on the
link for it, then log in with your current e-mail address (leave the password
blank), and then click on the Your Settings button to get a page where
you can type in your new address."
Sept. 28:
We will all be going on a program retreat during the second week of the
quarter. We will leave on the morning of Tuesday, Oct. 7, and we will
return in the afternoon of Thursday, Oct. 9. A fee of $17 will cover your
stay for two nights at Fort Flagler; and your cost for food will be $20.
Details about making payment will be given when we meet on Monday, Sept.
29. The retreat is not optional: it is an important part of our curriculum.
Transportation has been arranged: we will be taking College vans.
The Evergreen State College
Last Updated: