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Fall Quarter Assignments

OOAD handouts are here
You must sign in with your student account. If prompted for a domain, the domain is AC_COMPUTING

weekly assigments may be browsed here

Project Notebook outline:   pdf     doc

EU_Lease Pairs Notebook outline:   pdf     doc

Week 9 Assignments
November 17-21

pdf     doc

Synthesis paper topics

pdf     doc

Week 8 Assignments
November 17-21

pdf     doc

Week 7 Assignments
November 10-14

pdf     doc

Week 6 Assignments
November 3-6

pdf     doc

Week 5 Assignments
October 27-30

pdf     doc

Week 4 Assignments
October 20-23

pdf     doc
Until Monday morning, October 20, you may read the XP articles on the web - check in the OOAD handouts area. Please do not print these documents. We will make a hard copy available to you, which is allowed under the IEEE copyright agreement.

Week 3 Assignments
October 13-16

(pdf)     MS-doc
Programming assignment due.

Week 2 Assignments
October 6 - 10

(pdf)     MS-doc
Yom Kippur. No OOP due. Class as usual 10-12, and 1-3.
See OOP Syllabus
Project Champions - bring project written vision and be prepared to talk about it.
OOP  --  See OOP syllabus.
OOAD  --  Read Chapters 3, 5, 6 in Using UML.
Ch. 6 contains some advanced material;
you will only be responsible for topics covered in the lectures.
Carefully read Monday's handouts; come to class with questions.
If you haven't already, bring a revised writing on personal characteristics that you did early in week 1, and the assessment of your writing skills and your objectives for improvements for this quarter. (one paragraph on each is fine; page max for each)
Seminar --
Brooks Mythical Man Month, Ch. 7-15.
Hand in a signed "covenant agreement" (this will be handed out Wednesday).
Case Study Assignment 2 - Glossary and Domain Model; due at 5 pm.
Please "word process" or use Rose on the OOAD assignments, i.e., don't hand in hand-written assignments.
Case Study Assignment 1 - System Vision; due at 5 pm
Monday October 13
Programming assignment due.

Week 1

(pdf)     MS-doc
First day of class; no homework was assigned for this day, but the OOAD EU-Bid workshop assignment is due at the end of the afternoon class.
Carefully read the handouts you were given on Monday and come to class with questions.
OOP  --  Tentative: Read Budd, Chapters 1 - 3. See OOP syllabus.
OOAD  --  Read Chapters 1, 2 & 4 in Using UML
Carefully read the handouts you were given Monday and Tuesday; come to class with questions
Seminar --
Brooks Mythical Man Month, Ch. 1-6
"The New X-Men" in September 2003 Wired. Also at
Bring your revised writing on personal characteristics that you did earlier in the week. Also, write an assessment of your writing skills and your objectives for improvements for this quarter and bring this to class. (one page max)
Case Study Assignment 1 - System Vision; due at 5 pm
Monday October 6 is Yom Kippur.
Please let Sherri or Judy know if you will be absent and you feel awkward missing the OOAD Lecture and Workshop.
We may meet as usual Monday, but will not have OOP lecture that day, substituting more OOAD lecture and workshop time. The OOP lecture time will be made up during the week when Judy is away at a meeting (November 3-5).

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