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News & Assignments

Annoucement for 1/29/04

This Thursday we will talk about 3 things (all of great importance to you!).

  1. What's in store for you as software engineers -- building software that works.

    Judy will present current ideas on a curricular revision to include concepts and practice of verifiably correct software in the master's program in software engineering at OGI. these have been proposed to NSF. Judy, Sherri, Neal and Brian are among faculty at two schools who (if the proposal is funded) will think about revisions to undergrad curricula to include these. PLEASE EVERYONE READ -

    Building a Better Bug Trap at, week 4 supplmental readings directly at:> it is easy and fun to read.
  2. Our Software Fair.
  3. The spring plan and schedule.

I'm also done getting commitments for speakers for the Thursday 1-3 slot, and will tell you what is upcoming.
see you there.

Project Meetings

Sherri's schedule Judy's Schedule
group time group time
Game 1-1:30 BCD 1:00
ICRC 1:30-2 ezeCom 1:30
Engine 2-2:30 Therm4 2:00
concurrency 2:30-3 legalxform 2:30

Fall quarter OOAD handouts
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fall weekly assigments may be browsed here

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