Student Originated Software – Fall 2003

Week 7 Assignments

November 10-14



OOP lecture (see Sherri’s web site)

OOAD for lecture, re-read Ch. 5

1-3 Workshop will meet in the ACC.



10-12 - OOP Lab as per usual

1-3 Workshop on Grant Writing.   Lab I 1047


Read and bring questions about Project Notebook outline, which you can find on the program web page



OOP lecture (see Sherri’s web site)

OOAD  Read Ch. 11





1.  Chapter 4 State, in Smalltalk Best Practices

2.  About Agile Development :  read the Manifesto, Cover article in Software Development magazine, August 2001, by Jim Highsmith and Martin Fowler (and others).  see also Fowler's The New Methodology


You can supposedly get to the Manifesto from ....  but might have more luck (if you're willing to sign up for a user id for Software Development.  It was the cover article in Software Development magazine, August 2001 which you can get to by following links from .  Look for "Agile Manifesto" in the section:  Publications by Jim Highsmith  




Due Monday November 17, by 11am (in class)


Your OOAD (pair) EU-Lease Notebook.  This should include the entire UML specification for EU-Lease, i.e., all your homework for the quarter, revised if you wish, along with any additional material you think is needed for the implementation to begin.