Debate Ballot
Energy Systems - updated 19.Oct.2004

     Class members will serve as judges. Listen carefully, take notes, ask questions if necessary, and score each team, using this ballot..

BE OPEN TO VOTING FOR A POSITION YOU DO NOT FULLY AGREE WITH, when the team supporting that position makes the strongest case.


Pro Speakers: ____________________________________________________________________

Con Speakers: ______________________________________________________________________

Quantitative evaluations: Score each debator's effectiveness in each category. 1=poor, 2=fair, 3=average, 4=very good, 5=outstanding (high score is better)

1st Pro speaker 2d Pro speaker 1st Con speaker 2d Con speaker









1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5











Please summarize strengths of each speaker, and offer constructive feedback for improvement.

1st Pro speaker


2d Pro speaker


1st Con speaker


2d Con speaker


Qualitative evaluations:

1. Which side presented stronger evidence to back up their position?


2.Which side seemed better organized? How?


3.Which side presented a more persuasive argument? How?


4. Which side did a better job of responding to questions from the judges and audience?


Winning side of the debate:



Additional comments:


Facilitators will collect ballots, read them, summarize class judgment on who won the debate, and post results to WebX, with a brief summary of the evidence and arguments that were most compelling. Facilitators may post as a team or individually, starting the post with "Facilitator summary".

Ballots are drawn from Dolan and the American Forensic Association. We gratefully acknowledge these sources.

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