Table of Context
Reading List: Freyfogle, E. 2001. The New Agrarianism. Island Press. Halweil, B. 2005. Eat Here, World Watch, 2nd edition. Jackson, D. and Jackson, L. 2002. The Farm as Natural Habitat. Island Press. Nabhan, G.P. 2002.Coming Home to Eat: The Pleasures and Politics of Local Foods, Norton Press. Schlosser, E. 2001. Fast Food Nation, Houghton Mifflin Press. Thoreau, H.D. 1993. The Dispersion of Seeds and other Late Natural History Writings, Island Press. Plus articles as assigned – to be passed out in class
Writing Assignments/Final Project: All papers, whether short abstracts or longer pieces, should focus on basic questions: What are the main themes evident in the narrative? What is the scope of the work? Is it located in time and space (geographically and thematically)? If so, how? What evidence does the author use? (e.g. case-studies, demographics, scientific studies, government documents, agency reports, and/or surveys) Is the work written from particular perspective? (e.g. social, economic, environmental, scientific, political or other) What drives the argument? (e.g. economics, human action, ecological systems, political or sociological ideology, public policy? Does the author offer solutions, goals, ideas for resolving or addressing a problem? If so, how and in what manner?
Final Evaluation: All students are expected to write weekly progress reports and turn in a complete portfolio of their work at the end of Week 4 and at the end of Week 10. The final project and a presentation of the project will be evaluated. Class participation, willingness to work, teamwork, and neatness are expected!