Assembly Progs

1. Put a value (say 6) into R0, Put a value (say 5) into R1.  This program will put the sum of R0 and R1 into R3.  You will have to manually put 2 numbers into the registers and make sure to reset the PC. (program counter, or our statement ptr)

       ADD R3 R0 R1

2. Put a value manually into memory location 10 and 11.  This program will add these 2 numbers and put the answer into memory location 12




***  See if you can change this program to subtract 2 numbers.

*** See if you can change this program to add 3 numbers you put into memory locations 10,11, and 12.  Store your answer in Memory loc.  13


3. BRANCHING::  What if you wanted to add this sequence:  1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ..........

     This assembly language program will do this.  Reset our program counter. Put a 1 in R0, and make sure you have 0 in R1, R2, and R3.  Enter and execute this program

       ADD R1 R1 R0
       ADD R3 R2 R1
       MOVE R2 R3
       BRANCH 0

This program will never stop.  You must halt it, but look what it does. See if you can make a change so it adds  2 + 4 + 6 + 8.....  (no change in the program,, just to a register initial value)

CHALLENGE: See if you can have it find fibonacci numbers- 1,1,2,3,5,8,13......   find the next by adding the previous 2 numbers.. start at 1,1 (1+1=2,  2+1=3,  3+2=5,  5+3=8...)


Control the loop.  Try this program. Put 0 into the registers. Reset the PC.  Put a 1 into memory location 10. Put a 5 onto memory location 11, Put a 7 into memory location 12. Now enter this program into memory locations 0-9. Make sure you have selected INST on the View As box in main memory:

     Load R0 10
     Load R1 11
     Load R2 12
     Add R3 R2 R2
     Store 12 R3
     SUB R1 R1 R0
     BZERO 8
     BRANCH 2
     STORE 15 R3

This program will double 7 (the value you put into loc 12)  5 times (the value in loc 11) See if you can get this to work. 


See if you can get it to double 4 ten times..  ie 4,8,16,32..... answer is 4096



     1.  Average the numbers stored in memory locations 10, 11, and 12



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