
Covenant: The requirements, policies, and operating procedures for this course are spelled out in this covenant.
-in addition to these policies, the Student and Faculty School policies apply.  If you are unsure of any of these items, please ask. I may revise this covenant due to the needs of the students.

Contacting me
I will generally be on campus Sunday evening through Wednesday evening. You may make an appointment to see me in person.I will be available by email. The email I will use for this class is abvechr@hotmail.com. My school email for advising or non-class questions is vanetta@evergreen.edu. I will also be available via Instant Messaging, usually Sunday evening and Tuesday evening. I will post the times I should be available on the class home page, academic.evergreen.edu/curricular/fofc/chr. You can call me, but please get my home phone from me directly, and use it sparingly. We can set up times for Messenger at your request, preferably with your study group.  In general, if you need help, I will make myself available to you, so please ask.

Assignments, Quizzes and Tests.

There will be several major examinations in the class. They will focus on reading and writing code, but will include questions on the book readings and lecture discussion as well. You must attend on the dates with examinations.  No makeup will be given without prior approval. Some assignments will be collected while others will be placed in your Portfolio. Collected assignments will not be accepted late. Discussion questions must be completed before the next class period. Tests will not be given late and will be proctored.

Student Workload

Computers and Human Reason operates on the assumption that an 8 credit program at Evergreen will require 20 hours of activity per week in class preparation and attendance, and out-of-class assignments. I will give you an idea of how this might be allocated in the To Do list for each week. This information in an approximation only.


Attendance on time is required at all scheduled class meetings including lectures, seminars and evaluations. Contact me ASAP before the date if some unavoidable event makes your attendance impossible. Please be on-time for class sessions.

Students who successfully complete all class requirements on time (attendance and participation, seminar reading reports and presentation, lab assignments, and evaluations) will be granted full credit (8 credits) for each quarter of the program. Each student should attempt to earn full credit. I will award partial credit upon request if part of the assigned work is incomplete.  Credit will be based on the percentage of assigned work completed.

Please note that the award of full credit does not automatically result in a positive evaluation. You earn credit by fulfilling minimum requirements and standards. The evaluation concerns the actual quality of your work; it is possible, in other words, for a student to receive both full credit and an evaluation describing some poor quality work. Because attendance is only one of several program requirements, it is also possible to attend regularly but receive no credit because of unsatisfactory or missing work.


At the end of each quarter, on the last day of class before evaluation week, you must hand in two evaluations: the student self-evaluation and the student evaluation of faculty. They will be included in your official transcript. Your evaluation of me becomes part of my portfolio, which is considered in hiring and promotion decisions.


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