Credit Checklist

Make sure ALL of these tasks are complete by next Wednesday.  Given a level of competency on the final evaluations Monday and Wednesday, you will receive 8 credits. The quality of the exam will determine the adjectives in the evaluation.


1. Complete all WebX assignments

2. Post About Me website to webspace and post URL to WebX

3. Form Letter program

4. Change program

5. 6 table Access Database.  Post to webspace.  Turn in Relationship table. Display one table using ASP online

6. Finish the exercises in the book

7. Complete all the reading assignments

8. Phone Bill Program

9. Craps Program

10.  XML Resume with DOM html

11.  Self and course evaluation, turned in on Evaluation day

12.  Display a level of competence in knowledge and the reading/writing of code on the final examinations

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