Review Questions

 What you should know from class lecture:

   1. Diagram a computer

   2. List the 6 things a computer can do

   3. Compare RAM vs ROM.  Which is like our instincts?

   4. Compare an Apple IIe computer with today’s computers

   5. What makes a computer fast?

   6. Why is a parallel computer fast?

   7. Why would a RISC computer be faster?

   8. Describe the main computer generations?

   9. Describe how speed for computers is related to distance

   10.Are you an Input - Process - Output machine?

   11. Draw a diagram of the relationship between the Operating System, The user, the machine itself, and the Application SW

   Is it better to show or tell a computer what to do?

   12. Compare computer input with our input

   13. What is the danger of having many sources of information tailored to your political persuasion.

   14. Compare computer output with our output

   15. What is a computer programming language?  Diagram the types of programming languages

   16. Compare an interpreter and a compiler?

   17. Why is a high level language easier to program than assembly language?

   18. What are the types of secondary storage?  Describe how each works.

   19. Why is a database better than a file?

   20. Normalize a table.  What is a key field? foreign key?

   21. How do you link 2 many to many tables?  One to many?

   22. Diagram a transistor. How does it work?

   23. Represent 74 as a binary number.  10110101 as a base 10 number.

   24. Why is digital better than analog?

   25. Diagram a bit and a byte. Why 8?

   26. How can adding memory make your computer faster?  When?

   27. What can a programming language do?

   28. Diagram the programming process

   29. What are the main computer tools?

   30. How can tools hinder progress?

   31. How does the Internet work?

   32. What is a network?

   33. What is an operating system?

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