Weekly writing

  • What:

    Each Friday morning, a one to two page essay is due.  The essay must include these elements:

    • Theme: Begin with a synopsis of some part of the discussion in seminars that occurred on Monday and Tuesday.  This should identify a question and the passage or passages from the assigned reading that came up in discussion and a summary of what was said and who said what.

    • Development: Offer a development of that discussion – your further thoughts and suggestions about passages that also shed light on the discussion, what you wish you had said during the discussion.

    • Resolution: Provide a conclusion, either an answer to the question or a better way of asking the question or questions that were discussed.
  • How:

    This is the required format:
    • Identify each of the three element in your essay: theme, development, resolution.

    • By 9am Friday morning, post your essay on Web-x (beginning in week 2) .

    • Every other week (as scheduled), turn in a hard copy of your essay at 10 am on Friday.

  • Follow up:
    • By Monday of each week (beginning in week 3), post responses on Web-x to at least two of the essays posted the Friday before.

The Evergreen State College
Last Updated: 03/27/2005