Getting Organized, Page 2

  • Take the little bit of time as you go along to put your research in some sense of order. Use pocket folders, or binders with separators, or accordion style folders to separate your work into categories, and make sure that you add your materials to the appropriate section as you produce or find them. You can use sticky notes to remind yourself or color code information in your notes and other print material. Do whatever works for you so that you can find your information when you require it.

  • Keep this in mind in reference to your digital work as well. Make an organized folder with your project work in it and save it to a floppy or cd, or jump drive (a small, portable USB storage device) occasionally, so that if something crashes, you don't lose everything. This should be done whether it is on your own computer, or on one of the campus servers. You should always have a back up of your most recent work. Just in case. Seriously.

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