Research in the Real World


The ‘undisciplined’ gropings of student prose were of course far from the research ideal held up by the disciplines. As faculty never tired of pointing out, student papers were replete with ignorance and error of all sorts, which could seemingly never be entirely eradicated. Because faculty tended to regard poor writing as evidence of poor thinking, not as evidence of a student’s incomplete assimilation into a disciplinary community, faculty sensed that the discipline’s ‘store of knowledge,’ acquired at great sacrifice was ‘tarnished’ by poor writing (Russell, pg 74).”

-Writing in the Academic Disciplines 1870-1990

"not as evidence of a student's incomplete assimilation into a disciplinary community,"

This is an attempt to connect undergraduate research with the real world.

What are the discussions happening?

There are discussions about everything. You just have to find the right group.

Who is having them?

Students, Faculty & Staff, Government, Corporations, Nonprofit Organizations -Possibly everyone but you. But you can get involved.

Where are they having them?

Magazines & Scholarly Journals, Websites, Think Tanks, Societies

How do they connect to my life?

These “discussions” that are happening are one sided unless someone gets involved. You don’t have to take the “devil’s advocate position” but it doesn’t hurt to question an organization and help them by offering other ideas.