
winter, 2006


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those who want to nest in niches that are propitious for the cultivation of the ascetical complement to intellectual pursuits, [those who] attempt to reform the university in a way more radical than anything ever seen before.

They feel secure enough in the humanistic tradition, and free enough in front of all church authorities, to set out on their journey into embodied truth. They believe in the potential strength of friendship to find the courage for cultivating the renunciation of artificially captivating symbols for the sake of a growing awakening of the senses.

Ivan Illich

Important links for Spring Quarter. Students new to "Awareness" should check here. More information will be posted in the same place later.
"I bow, I bend over... But I renounce....": The ever-prescient Jules Feiffer (.jpg file)

Site images & text
copyright 2005, 2006
Bill Arney & Sarah Williams