Mathematical Systems - Winter 2006
Welcome to the Winter 2006 Mathematical Systems program webpage! Such as it is.
- 3/16/06 Here is the
schedule of evaluation conferences.
- 3/14/06 Here is the
Combinatorics final exam, given in class on Tuesday, 3/14/06.
- 3/11/06 Here is the
Modern Algebra final exam, due at 1pm on Thursday, 3/16/06.
- 3/10/06 Here is
the sample Combinatorics final.
- 3/6/06 Here is the
Real Analysis final exam, due on Monday, 3/13/06.
- 2/28/06 Here is the
book list for spring quarter.
- 2/26/06 Here is the
Real Analysis homework for Week 8, due on Monday, 3/6/06.
- 2/13/06 Here
is the Real Analysis midterm.
- 2/10/06 Here
is the sample Real Analysis midterm.
- 2/4/06 Here is the
Algebra midterm.
- 2/2/06 Here is the
Combinatorics midterm.
- 2/1/06 Here are the Algebra sample problems (all from
Gallian): 10 & 12 from page 575; 6, 14, 19, 25, 41 from pages 275-277.
- 1/28/06 Here are the Combinatorics sample problems: from pages 111-112 in Roberts, problems 4, 7, 11, 12, 17, 20, 22, 25. Remember that the midterm is next Thursday afternoon.
- 1/9/06 Welcome!
Handouts &etc.
- Real Analysis, Week 8
- Real Analysis, Week 7
- Real Analysis, Weeks 5&6
- Real Analysis Midterm
- Real Analysis, Week 4
- Real Analysis, Week 3
- Real Analysis, Weeks 1&2
- Combinatorics, Week 8
- Combinatorics, Weeks 6&7
- Combinatorics, Weeks 4&5
- Combinatorics, Week 3
- Combinatorics Midterm
- Combinatorics, Week 2
- Combinatorics, Week 1
- Algebra, Week 8
- Algebra, Week 7
- Algebra, Week 6
- Algebra, Weeks 4&5
- Algebra Midterm
- Algebra, Week 3
- Algebra, Weeks 1&2
Brian L. Walter