Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Curriculum Work:

Lesson Plan:  “Aquatic Bugs”

Name: Barry Lawrence
School/Program: Art, Environment and the Child- HEAT Program
Date: 2/26/2006

Location: Lab I Room 1037

Grades: Preschool- 8th grade 

Title: “Water Bugs”
Goal: To show the different life cycles of aquatic bugs (macroinvertebrates)
Learning Objectives: Students will have an opportunity to:

Learning Activities:

Purpose / Rationale:
Prior Teacher Preparation:
I will have to collect material for students to complete this activity (contact Mylee). I will have snacks and drinks for break time.

-I plan on asking a few questions in order to evaluate the level of experience the children’s have with water bugs.
-I will then discuss what the functions, life adaptations and life cycle of a typical aquatic bug.
-I will pass out the color picture cards displaying the various aquatic bugs. I will then explain the different features and parts of the bugs.
-I will hand out some coloring pictures of wildlife habitat and aquatic bugs.
We will then draw some pictures and make their own “aquatic bug”
-We will conclude the lesson by conducting a search for and observe aquatic bugs in our local stream at the Longhouse Center Garden. We will then meet up the garden group and help out with some gardening activities.

-I will determine if content and process were understood by the answers the students give me to my questions and by their drawings
-I will assist those who did not get it by giving more examples and explaining it differently
-I will ask for feedback from my peers

Areas to improve on:

-Being prepared in toning down the level of instruction to a diverse age range of the children.

-Preparing larger pictures of the bugs.

-Being more confident in myself and my ability to interact with the children in a less ridged fashion

Areas that I thought went well:

-Bring mircoscopes and samples of aquatic bugs

-Allowing interaction between the children and myself (ie. drawing answers out of them to questions concerning the bugs)


Presented class on 2/26
Barry Lawrence

"Water Bugs"

I started off giving a brief background on the bugs, to include;
habitat, life cycle, feeding techniques and specific body parts.

We started looking at samples of macroinvertebrate taken from Beatty Creek under microscopes. I think the children had the most fun discovering and identifying the "aquatic bugs".

We then walked down to the Longhouse Garden Center to look in the creek for "bugs". Unfortunately, it started raining and we had to return to the classroom.

Once in the room, they started coloring pictures of wetlands and streams. They had an opportunity to construct their own bugs.



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