Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Curriculum Work


I did my curriculum at Littlerock Elementary in Mrs. Kruz's second grade classroom. The classroom had been learning about soils and I wanted to do my curriculum on composting. I wanted a project that could be started in the fall and continued through the year.I decided to create a vermicomposter ( that could be left in the classroom for the children to observe what the worms were doing and also to actively participate by ripping the paper and feeding them with fruits and vegetable scraps. Mrs. Kruz was excited and thought this would go along great with her lesson. I'm used to normally working with kindergarteners and thought this would be a wonderful opportunity to work outside my comfort zone. The children were wonderful! Each one had a story they wanted to share about their own gardening experiences and I didn't have the hart to stop them. I was quickly running out of time so I had them move over to the bin and start ripping up old newspaper that I had. The kids loved this and I had a hard time talking over them.


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