Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Project Reflections

Date Place Reflections
10.05.05 classroom Painted Word First time we met, just to exchange names and get an idea
10.01.05 Harvest Festival I came to the craft area and just hung out there for awhile. It was a very jovial place to be. My boyfriend and I both wanted to make an illuminary, but it looked too cold. Then we saw the pumpkins. I got the last pumpkin and I was so excited. Then a little boy said "I want to carve a pumpkin!" Well I was very happy to give it over to him, he looked so excited as he carried it away.
10.12.05 classroom P.W. A fairly nice meeting, to get more clarification on what this project really is about.
10.14.05 arts annex P.W. Well, this was pretty cool. I made some cute paintings of babies, and images of animals and nature surrounding them. I was more comfortable with symbols as a form of word, than words themselves, but I see it as a good challenge for me to expand into my uncomfort zone.
10.19.05 GRUBB, Roosevelt Elem., Lincoln Elem, Mariah Arts I was suprised to find out that schools were limited in how many vollunteers they could take, I began to get worried for awhile there. But Lincoln Elementary had teachers that said thy could take me, and I am excited because that is where I wanted to go anyway. Yeah! I will be working with either Barb or Rich or both. Yeah!
10.19.05 classroom This was a meeting that I found out about last minute, and during this meeting I realized that my energy just isn't in this project. luckily there are plenty of people involved and my presence isn't crucial to it's success. I look forward to attending workshops when I can, and seeing what you all create for the Painted Word Art Exhibit. I humbly step out.
10.08.05 home

retracing my steps a little, I've been doing alot of research on my own project which happens to be my pregnancy, there's so much for me to learn, and I'm really excited to be putting my energy here.

This book "Diaper Free" is so cool. It's a woman writing about how women all over the world are in communication with their babies about when they "need to go", and that this is not as hard as it sounds. She says that babies are aware of when they need to go and that by learning how to read their body language, you can sense this, almost as naturally as knowing when they are hungry, and they in turn learn to communicate their needs to you. Awesome! Of course it doesn't happen overnight, but she writes about what a connecting experience it is, and when your baby is totally diaper free by the age of 4 months, you can see how the hard work of being present really pays off, environmentally, and financially too.

10.11.05 home More readings from Diaper Free
10.16.05 Satya's photo lab This was a photo shoot set up by my friend Satya who wants to do a documentation of my pregnancy. So we had fun working with the lights (which I learned were REALLY important for getting a good shot) and figuring out what kind of shots we wanted. It will be cool to see how my body changes over time with our series of shoots.
10.18.05 home This is the beginning of an great opportunity. My friend Satya who is a yoga teacher has propositioned me with a very cool opportunity. She wants to get experince teaching prenatal yoga, and I want to have an exercise routine that feels nutritive to my body. Already I have had some pain in my Sacrum as my pelvis softens and ligaments stretch, so I am especially keen on wanting to stay in good condition.
10.25.05 home The book "Herbs for the Childbearing Year" written by Susan Weed is a very good on to have . It describes inside what herbs are strengthening to the uterice, which ones gives the vitamins and minerals that your body can become depleted in during pregnancy. I also appreciate learning what herbs to stay away from, herbs being very powerful medicines, with the ability to cause either harm or good.
10.27.05 home This book "What to Expect when you're Expecting" has been valuable to me as a first timer. It tells about all the different possibilities that coud occur as you go along in pregnancy, and it's reassuring because you feel like what you're going through is "normal". Phew!
10.26.05 classroom

I had the idea to create my project around what I'm interested in right now as it pertains to this class, pregnancy and preparing to give birth first, and being a first-time parent of a little baby.

If you are reading this , it might explain why I've been logging my hours of reading about this subjext.

So much of my mind right now is on learning about this stuff, and I want to really go in depth, so I'm going to create a group based on this need.

I approached Heather with my idea right away, and she was excited. She is not pregnant herself, but she is also going through a transformative process, and we thought we could meld our ideas. We thought about the meaning of this season Fall, about the Essence of the Tree going inward, while letting what it no longer needs to hold onto to fall away. In this way it is creating space for what will come next in it's process, in a sense dying to the old self, to let new life be reborn. Fall certainly seems like a time for us to do that as well, as Marya was describing.

This is a process I am going through as my life transitions, and others as well, and I'd like to create a place where we can share these transitions with each other, and support one another.

10.29.05 over lunch Wow, I didn't realize so many people would be interested in participating in this group. It is good. We met over lunch and I shared some of my ideas, like doing art around birthing, creating a special journal, creating a baby blanket, and Heather shared her ideas about having a letting go Ritual, to symbolize what we are letting go of, having a fire, burning our dead if you will, creating this opportunity for the whole class to participate in. I appreciated her ideas, because they would be good for everyone to do, not just pregnant women. It seems as though this will be a good project for this class, because it is very connecting, but I also really want to specifically do something for pregnant women.
10.30.05 Waves Studio

As a dancer I am learning how to move differently while being pregnant. At the Waves Studio we dance with a structure called the five rhythms. There are as many variations on how those rhythms can be danced, and one of the most important teachings that one recieves on the dance floor is how to take care of oneself, while in relationship with others. How do I move when that person in front of me is dancing in that way, with that level of intensity?

Now I am learning to take extra special care to listen to my body as I move, and move gently, for when you are going slow you can hear what your body is saying to you alot better.

10.31.05 Home This book "Birthing from Within" is so cool! It is written by a midwife who has held alot of birthing classes, and she is sharing her stories and insight.
11.01.05 Lincoln Elem. Wow, unbelievable! I had so much anticipation about goinginto the classroom before I went, but when it finally happened I loved it! The kids I am working with are 5th graders, and so full of imagination, things to say, energy, creativity. I was just amazed and took it all in with a smile. They wanted to tell me stories, show me their chinchillas, whatever. I went in there that day feeling overwhelmed by my life and very low, and those kids just brought me right up into a happy excited place. Thanks!
11.02.05 Satya's house Today was the first prenatal yoga class that my friend June and I attended. More people are invited though. It was really nice, and afterward we shared how are experiences were going. It was good to have and give that support. It also gave me a chance to practice non-judgement and trust, as one of my pregnant friends is not feeling very well, and is making food choices that I am worried may be making her feel worse.
11.04.05 Home More reading
11.08.05 Lincoln Elem So this time, like last time, I helped them create their puppets. It was very fun to be around the kids, and also the teacher, to see how he does things. At one point he left the room and said "Heidi's in charge!" Oh yeah right! It was fine though. These kids are pretty good at regulating themselves, especially if it's for 3 minutes which(thank God) is about how long he left for.
11.09.05 Satya's house

This Yoga class is going awesome! Satya is such a good teacher, and even though she is a friend of June and mine, (june is the other woman in the class) she is totally professional. She treats it like a real class. If anyone is interested, she is teaching a class for the public too.

We go slow and easy, and afterwards we talked about how much more you can feel your body when you go slow. That helps avoid injury and strain, and also just helps one to tune into their body and "feel" what is going on in there. It gives you the ability to listen to the body's intelligence, and to feel the subtle energies flowing through you, that are hard to feel when you are moving fast.

Also June and I both felt queasy from going too fast and going upside down and maintaining such focus, and it was fun to take a break when we felt a little sick and laugh about it.

We did something that I loved! We did some sounding. All these dfifferent tones, sung out really loud, not to be pretty, but powerful! The three of us with our bold voices resonating together, Awesome! We talked about how important it is to feel free in your voice while in labor, realizing that alot of women have a fear of making too much noise, or wierd noises, or maybe animal noises! This was also wonderful to share.

11.10.05 Heather's House

This night was the first time our class womens group has really met. It was fun, and great to have a way to get close and share of ourselves more personally. We had the idea of doing art, but what happened more was some people brought some of the art that represented that which they were ready to let go of. The theme for this group is

"It is fall and we are like trees. What dead leaves or old thoughts or patterns do we have to let go of? And what is our essence, deep and true or small and new, growing within us? "

So we looked at the art, and did a little meditation, drank oatstraw and skullcap tea, and had a good share. We will meet again.

11.15.05 Lincoln Elementary

This was a day of sewing the bodies of the puppets, and really the first day of my personal class lesson.

I went off to a different room with 5 students and I showed them how to do it. It was very fun; we did it by hand, there was one other adult there, which was nice, and we struggled with figuring out the right size of pattern to use. In the end we used the pattern that Rich had made for them taken off of his hand. They had thought it would be way too big, but the ones that they made from their own hands turned out to be way too small. The adult size one worked just fine for all!

11.16.05 Home Just some talking with June about our group, and adding another girl into it. There is a woman who is 6 months pregnant, and who is really looking for support and fellowship. We are glad to have her! Her name is Bleu.
11.16.05` Home I just spent One hour typing this out!
11.17.05 Lincoln Elementary Things are more and more comfortable with the kids as they get to know me an I get to know them. Our puppets are fairly simple and I am helping them sew them by hand. They pick out their fabric from a big scrap bag and cut them out using a pattern that Rich the teacher made for them.
11.22.05 On the Plane

These books are so cool, and I'm thankful that I live in a time where alternative recources like these are available to me. In my mother's time there was nothing like this. Alot of the stories in Birthing From Within are about women that had their first births in a hospital, and felt very out of control, because the doctors had all the control. Many of them had Cesarean Sections, and carry fear and anger about that into their next pregnancy.

Hail to those women who have suffered at the hands of the modern medical system!


11.23.05 Home

this is actually only my second time doing birth art, and I began with the theme 'what is my vision of labor?' Very interesting and revealing.

I had planned to show these pictures during my presentation, next class, but WOW! How personal. That's O.K.

The idea behind birth art is that you get to explore your true, (somethimes hidden) feelings, about pregnancy, birth, motherhood, parenthood, whatever. Becacuse many times there are fears that are unaddressed and these fears, if not brought to light can be a hindrance to you.

It is always so amazing what comes out in the picture, usually something that is totally unexpected.

11.25.05 Home

This chapter today was about all the different positions that you can hold a baby in while they pee or poo over a bowl, grass, in the toilet, or in the sink.

Also we covered how to do diaper free style at night so as not to ruin the bed. Hmmm, sounds a bit challenging.

11.28.05 Home More birth art, this time I drew my vision of "Pregnant Woman" Nature is taking over, her head is becoming covered with vines and leaves.
11.29.05 Home And more yet, this piece was on my actual experience of being pregnant . OOH! Bright colors! Very sensual.
11.29.05 Lincoln Elementary I'm excited for this puppet show! The kids at Lincoln are telling me some of their story lines and it sounds like it will be alot of fun. The puppets look great! Mine is not coming along at all though. Pout.
11.30.05 Home OOH, I just logged my 49th hour of project time, Awesome. Today is the big day. Presentations, turning in Plant Studies. I'm scared, and excited.


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