Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons


That is right folkies' it is allways time for gardening, but now is when it is really time to take care of business. We start our seeds indoors right about now and here they are. Our Family puts them on top of the refridgerator, and that seems to help keep them warmer on cold nights.












There they are a mixture of onions, jalapenos,beans,Bell peppers, cherry and brandeywine Tomatoes and even Tomatillos !











Here are some baby brandeywines, and peppers under plastic.













More Tomatoes!


Here is the really exciting stuff! the raised beds in the front yard

















These are the main beds in our family garden. In Bed 1 we plan on putting in carrotts, lettuce and onions. In Bed 2 we have Garlic and Dinosaur Kale allready in place. Bed 3 has some Cabbage and Onions from last year. Bed four has some rather large Dinosaur Kale from last year and room for more. Last year we had Corn and Beans in Bed 5, and are yet unsure as to what we are puttin in there this year.



To the right is the greenhouse that has housed only Tomatoes for the past two years. This year we did some major soil repair with compost .This year we are puttin in a lot of Peppers and fewer Tomatoes than before.


In front of the greenhouse there is Sage and Mint.




Here are the Bean and Squash strongholds on the side of our crib. Of course we also have a 20 yr old mass of green table type Grapes. There also are two smaller Blueberry Bushes, ans some Raspberries.




























































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