Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Curriculum Work

Using our Imagination, and creativity.

I want to have the kids to try and use their imaginations by freely drawing what comes to them rather then using subjects outside of themselves.
First well do some warm up activities
doing eyes closed activities drawing to music, As well as a collabritive pieces of art.
Then I would like the kids to try and paint something without copying anything in real life but making up anything they would like, it could be anything based on life as long as it is not looking at it in front of them .


MATERIALS and method
Acrylic paint
Mixed media; paper collage
Pens and pencil
Oil pastel
Colored paper

I really wanted to do some free painting with the kids and I thought it went well , but maybe I need a more longer introdction next time, the theme was paiting our dreams and I don't know if the kid understood it or not I think I should have asked the kid questions whether or not they had ideas or questions about the theme.


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