Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Project Reflections

Date Place Reflections
9/28 tesc met for first time to get infor on LNY. Sounds very interesting and we will meet with the other groups involved later in year. Grants are topic, research and writing
9/29 backyard drizzly weather pick through to find small leaves for luminaries. I enjoy the greenbelt behind our apt. No deer this morning, but raccoons last night!
9/30 home making lists not as easy as I thought. Little lop-sided. Martha couldn't come and help tonight. Did find how to add color!
10/1 phone Called Nancy to ask if she could help me with assignment. She was excited about project on journals. They are working on Egypt journals, but nature journal good topic.
10/1 Organic Farm /Harvest Festival I did not anticipate the walk with my 50 pd bookbag and thought the organic farm was next to the Longhouse. When we arrived and tables were not set up and the kids and parents were pouring in. It became a team effort to get it set up and quickly came together. It was alot of fun watching the kids; absorbed in painting the balloons with glue and applying the paper,leaves and blossoms.The adults were having fun also with the luminaries and also supervising the pumpkin carving.The air was heavy with the smell of rain and a wonderful picture of the change in weather. My daughter Martha and gr.daughter Hannah came!!It was neat memory moment.
10/5 tesc met with LNY group. talkingabout grant writing and approaching businesses and groups closer to date of festival.
10/10 Plenty Restuarant Nancy read plan and agreed it was ok.


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