Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Curriculum Work

WHAT?-Lesson plan for Observation and Participation Project

WHERE?-Chehalis Tribal Head Start

WHEN?-Lesson date 11/18/2005

WHO?- Classroom of 16 3yr. olds

WHY?-Theme: November Lesson Plan

Letters of the month: Ff, Gg, and Hh

Learning area: Reading Time, Language/ Literacy/ math

Goal: Spatial awareness, listening skills, name recognition, reading stories, letter shape and number recognition, nursery rhymes. Weather and calender skills.

Objective: Read books, sing songs, count and play games.

Lesson: To take the letters of the month, while keeping the school's goals and objectives in mind and combining that with the basic theme of the painted word project. I created letter's for cologe out of tag board with stencils. Having the children decorate the letters to create art out of letters. Painted word is to create art from word or language this lesson is the first stepping stone towards that.



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