Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Curriculum Work

This is an ongoing curriculum, a life-long project and every step along the way is inclusive of it. I feel it has life of its own, and the seeds have a wisdom that must be observed and followed in action, like a sourceress and humans of and for the earth to take care of it. Having an internship at the Waldorf School right now is another step, another experience to shape this.

It began with a very complicated description. It was first writen down 5 years ago. Then taken and unified with other wills in Colombia. Now in a syncronicity that involves this class, the internship and all the other matrixes of conections, the project has been trasnforming and the description has been changing and also gathering more understanding and simplicity through the experiences that I have been having with children, with Don Juan and Castaneda, with the night and the forest, with the coming of spring, with severly falling down and going beyond the fall, through honesty, with re-learning the piano, unlearning mental wounds, writing musici, painting, nourishing, learning, and healing.


Project: (in the latest description)

     The goal of this project is to create awareness. It is for the participants to become aware that there is a capability for them to make choices and through these choices and tools, to overcome the situations in which socioeconomic structures has placed and defined us and through this overcoming to find ways to met our needs and claim our humanity beyond conceptual degradations and divisions. This will be done through education. (To provide an environment internally and externally full of tools so they can give back to us and our power as human beings)

-What kind of education: the point of departure is the Waldorf education, the use of Anthroposophy and other educational tools such as Castaneda writings and many materials that are available in a daily basis, such as nature and other elements that will work in accordance to the determined environment.

-The first phase of the project has the aim to start a healing process, by making of art the element for cleansing, reconnecting, recognizing, and unifying.

-To align, to reach the head through the hand and the heart.


Insipiring quote that I read, copied and forgot the name:

"We have no reason to harbor any mistrust against our world, for it is not against us. If it has terrorist they are our terrorist; if it has abysses these abysses belong to us; if there are dangers we must try to love them and if only we arrange our life in accordance with the principle which tells us that we must always trust in the difficult then what now appears to us as the most alien will become our most intimate entrust experience. How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our life are princesses who are only waiting to see us act just once with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is in its deepest essence something helpless that wants our love."


Complicated Semantic Version of the Project:

The goals are to impart consciousness and to provide the educational tools, both in the informative and formative sense, to sculpt certain integral aperture within the participants of the program.  To be able to expand the expressional media, in the emotional, intellectual, mental, physical, labor wise and individual fields, so through the consciousness about each potential feature, to open the space where each being can interact with its corresponding atmosphere in a way that is prolific, conscientious, and peaceful in all the dimension of the word. To create a consciousness about the indefinite eternity of the soul that resides on the body. With indefinite eternity I mean to the fact that there is no dogma that can assure the spiritual extension beyond the reality obtainable by the senses and the channels for absorbing reality. Thus, to inculcate in a free way a dose of awareness -- which is based and chosen on own decision.—on the present and on everything that it can project and compile. If there is no possibility of answering identity questioning, intrinsic to the general sense of the human being based on “who am I? due to the fact that the fact, the verb, the passive or active action of being answers itself in the moment in which it unbosoms, thus second by second (which even becomes to annul our temporal notions and it expands the spatial focalization to the analogy of navigating within ourselves and at the same time reaching into the inexhaustible source of the universe and everything this implies, meaning, the constant approximation to an environment, and a circumstance, to a happening) and that by annulling system only filters the answer of who I was and who I will (may)  be, at least in the inspecting of the receptive elements in accordance to that befall to be able to investigate and oxygenate oneself on the undefined field of possibilities of each human being.  Thanks to the immediate environment of our culture (reference of culture definition on Ortega y Gasset), there is a certain suffering in anomaly, amnesia, which entails the insanity of attention towards everything that is implicated on residing within ourselves, and the freedom implicated in this embodiment, and this, the attached responsibility to the mentioned will.  The energetic concentration of all of our bodies and our magnetic field, projects itself to certain elements lacking of introspection and retrospection.  This tends to be found more inside a schematic definition of life, inlayed in the mentality and the behavior, by the existence of certain factors, that even being of ephemeral nature, have come to govern the paradox and the collective dynamics, both in the unfair gaps between excessive possession and divested possession, as in the constant bleeding of the human being at all his/her levels, as a result of extreme privation and the provision of deformed concepts of permissivism and the constant abuse of the elastic material that constituted the ideological and creative realm of the being, and the experiential fracture in a vast majority as a projection of pushing and pulling based on a cardinal point constructed out of an inflexible notion of power.\

So what is needed is consciousness, restoration, reconciliation and unification. The recuperation of ourselves not through systematic confining of “how much we are”, but through accessing the awareness of a collective self through the connecting with the individual self that doesn’t need to validate itself through possessions.  Do it through art both to investigate and awake other lenses of perception and to heal the wounds made by a society busy in trying to convince themselves and others through unfair and bad treatment that they are less, through anthroposophy, through teaching sustainability, through unlearning the immediate almost automaton reaction of defining oneself through the concepts of possession and power, regain the confidence, the discovery, the recognition and the knowledge of the innate power due to the sole fact of existing and being human beings, to regain the confidence of them possessing themselves, to recognize the strength and the energy is available to them through them, not through the schemes of definition as a more valid human due to having i.e. a status, and to teach this to everybody, ideally. However when project started the immediate focus was the displaced people due to the guerrilla and the drug/land lords in Bogotá and Medellin.


The current poverty situation, the growing population that is in adverse situations at all levels and the impossibility to grow out of them is alarming, every day hunger, sickness and social abandonment are more critical.
It is not only the “underdeveloped” that are presenting these problems since it is precisely the so called developed countries that have focused in a selfish and material development which has generated as a mechanism of defense for their interests, the impossibility to feel. This has generated them to be more tolerant of foreign pain and even more, that the misery of other is the fuel to fight for their own commodity at any cost.
It is logic and realistic to say that this proposal wont save the world, it is required of more individual changes, of more creative proposals to approach global problems in a sustainable way for the future, because there is no use to give food to the peasants that have no food due to the abandonment of their lands running away from the war or/and looking for superficial development archetypes, **instead of handing them the tools for self-sustainability**..

Steps and a contextualized area for the development of some principles:

The increase of violence in Colombia, specially in the last 40 years, and the growth of it in rural zones as a consequence of armed groups confrontations, has generated a massive rural abandonment and the displacement of families towards the state municipal and capital headlines of Colombia.
We have entire generations born and educated under the constant fear of armed confrontations where the civil society is the member and victim. Among other things, this has produced that the families get broken because the heads of the family have to dramatically leave their housing and their children, without any other alternative than searching for charity and help at any expense, leaving their schools and working places.  This has dramatically increased the conditions of misery that are current in Colombia, and that is nor encouraging at all if solutions from the root are not applied

To create a constant help from the depths of the problem, for displaced children and adults and any other low resources in Colombia, that mainly supplies alimentation and alphabetization. And as a particular objective, it is proposed to give to individuals who have gone through a process of demoralization and to children who have suffered of severe trauma, a system of “life restoration and reconciliation” where besides providing the initial help for them to maintain the fulfillment of their basic needs, the primordial is to fulfill and attain the recuperation of the sense of being alive.

-To have an initial place as an arriving point for the persons interested in giving and receiving help.
-To count on the sponsoring and/or funding for the nutrition, general attention and mainly alphabetization.
-To largely spread knowledge about the project for attaining the necessary sponsoring.
-To seek the necessary consultancy in all the functional and legal aspects of the project.
Needed resources:
-For the autonomous source of resources of the project and independent from the possible sponsoring.
-It is taken into account the need for a product and the derivation of resources departing from the selling of this/these. For this end, art has been chosen as the product and the Web as the medium for dissemination and the trade of the mentioned.

A portal in the Internet where the project is explained and where painters and photographers are initially invited to participate in all desirable or possible ways, to present their work and to have an encounter medium to express and defend and excellent cause.







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