Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Curriculum Work

TESC Outreach Program

TESC Outreach Program is a program Mylee Ring created. This class is intended for children of evergreen students, but other students are welcome to attend. When Mylee asked if I wanted to be involved w/this program as my classroom project, I became very excited about it.

The children in this program vary in age groups. We have several students who are 13 and 14 and we have one six year old (a very smart six year old). All the children in this program are very smart and creative. They love art and seem to enjoy coming to class every Sunday. The class is every Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. I enjoy being with them as well. I’m also learning a lot from them. I truly am proud to be part of this program. Thanks Mylee!

The lesson plan I have for the children is making a 3-d picture frame for their artwork. The artwork/drawing is fall-related, something that they like about fall and what is important to them. This artwork idea was from

Supplies needed were :

11X14 poster board and white paper,Scissors,Glue,Markers,Glitter,Ribbon, and Popsicle sticks

The children needed 8 popsicle sticks, 2 for each side. They would have to glue them to the paper in a square shape to create the frame. The children could decorate the popsicle sticks w/markers, ribbon, or glitter.

The children then would draw a picture of what they like about fall, or what fall looks like. The idea is to get them to think what fall/autumn means to them, their vision of it.

When the drawing is done, they will cut the excess away from their picture frame and they have a complete picture in a frame!


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