Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Project Reflections

Date Place Reflections
10/15/05 Tumwater School District I live in Tumwater so i wanted to try and enter that community in some way. This classroom observation seems like an excellant way to start. Contacted area schools and they directed me to Ginny Wickland who is the head of personel for the school district. She took my information and was eager to have another willing volunteer.
10/24/05 Beth's House Was finally able to contact the Roosevelt Gardens project group liaison, Beth. Our group met her at her house along with another leader in the garden project as well as some women from the Olympia Garden Club who are very helpful in the project. We talked about the role that we students should take in the garden project, as well as dates in the future for working at the gardens or with the Roosevelt students.
11/2/05 Roosevelt Elementary School Today was the day that the group set aside for the kids at the school to come help plant and participate in the gardens. I helped set up the plants and tools and so forth. Then all the kids would come running out of the building and many of them were very enthusiastic about being in the gardens. I helped some of the kids plant Fava beans and Wheat as cover crops for the beds. Lots of fun! Some of the kids liked to tell me about other work they do in gardens: be it their mother's, granmother's,friend's, neighbor's, and others. Really fun to be around them while they were interacting with their friends, myself, other helpers, and the earth. I really enjoyed being there.
11/2/05 Home Ginny Wickland who started to help me many weeks ago find a school in Tumwater that I can volunteer at finally replied to me after a couple of calls. She was sick for many days and was unable to do any work on my behalf, but she expects I will have a place to be by the end of the week or early next week. Unfortunently, I feel it is too late to really get full credit for this component of the project work, but I look forward none the less to helping in the classroom.


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