The Age of Irony: Twentieth Century America

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Spring Books
Program requirements

Essay Response

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The Essay Response

Reading Response Essays:  Length about 500-800 words. Choose one quotation (short) that best illustrates what the author wants you to understand (her or his thesis).  Begin your essay with that quotation. Then, in your own words, summarize the thesis or central ideas in the book in one paragraph. Discuss how the context of the author’s times may have influenced the direction of her/his work?

Then, in your analysis of the book, think about and address some of the following:
1. How well does the author support or illustrate the thesis?
2. What does the author assume you know about or believe?
3. Do you have questions or are you still wrestling with some of the arguments, concepts, or conclusions?
4. How is this book connected to other books, ideas, questions with which you’ve been engaged?
5. What new contributions did the author make to your knowledge or understanding?


Spring Quarter
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five
Week Six
Week Seven
Week Eight
Week Nine

TESC Evening & Weekend Studies Fall/Winter/Spring 2006-2007