The White Cube redifened by Cubism. Stephen Sharrett

Submitted by shaste05 on Tue, 2007-01-30 10:38.

Who else agrees that modernismshould be taught inthe form of fables, 'cause I can't say I'd mind that one bit.

What occured to me as most austounding was that something as obvious, yet complex as point of view could strike an evolution in the way we as viewers become spectators, and galleries becomes spaces, just as do the pieces they house. Can you imagine the people viewing Picasso's Still Life with Chair Caning or Schwitters' Merzbau craning their necks to scared to get all the perspectives or to go and exist within the piece they are experiencing, mind were blown, and I wish I were there to see it. I truly enjoyed much of what this writers had to say; furthermore, there is alot of visual narrative and some, in my opinion, really excellent assertions.

-Stephen Sharrett