Week seven response

Submitted by duvala03 on Tue, 2007-02-20 09:04.

This weeks reading was very different from all the rest.  I really enjoyed reading Air Guitar because it was so up beat and it I found it very easy to relate to.  I thought about when Hickey said that "Bad taste is real taste".  Rich people have the worst taste but yet every one wants to have everything they have.  Celebraties where some of the gnarliest shit I have ever seen but yet everyone I know wants to dress just like them couse if the celevraties wear it, it must be cool.

Hickey also talks about how our culture is all "mass produced personalities and ready made experiences".  These statements couldn't be more true.  We let other people tell us what to where and how to act, and what is cool. We let other people dictate every part of our lives.  I bet more than half the students at evergreen are there because they were told that they had to go to college or they would never suceed in life. Our society looks everywhere else but our own hearts to tell us what to do.  Even in our art we look to see what everyone else is doing before we start anything ourselves. 


Alan DuVall