Tuesday - Thursday mornings and Thursday afternoons we'll be in the classroom. Mondays will alternate between field days and movies at night. Plus we'll go on a
three field trip to the central Oregon Coast in week 3 of Winter quarter. See the schedule for more details.
What kind of work will students be expected to do in this class?
There will be several expectations of students in this program.
First and foremost, you need to be engaged with the material, and willing to participate in group discussions.
Weekly take-home short essays, which will require you to think carefully about material from the program, and which you will hand in and be evaluated on individually.
Weekly "study questions," which will comprise similar sorts of questions, but on which you are encourage to work collaboratively, and about
which we'll have group discussions every Tuesday morning.
Four in-class quizzes to assess your comprehension of the straight-forward and factual material from the program.
A large quarter-long research project, details still to be decided.
Are the required texts listed on the home page all the reading materials for this program?
No. There will be several additional articles assigned in class, and usually available electronically on this website or on the program share. We will not ask you to read
just to assign you pages, or to waste your time. All of the texts and articles will be carefully chosen, and will contribute to a growing understanding of the topics in the program.
Check the readings page now to see when to read the required texts by. Other readings will be added over time.
What is the $105 student fee for?
That fee covers three things: the three day field trip to the Oregon Coast in week 3 (lodging, food (which students
will be preparing in groups), and transportation); plus admission to the Flight Museum and Zoo, which are the other two
field trips in this program. Most of that fee goes to transportation for the overnight field trip and lodging at Camp Westwinds, where
we will be staying.
I think I may be interested in the program, but I still have questions. What should I do?
Come talk to us at Academic Fair (Wednesday, Nov 29). If you can't make it then, read the handout for academic fair which
has a few more details. This will also be handed out the first day of class