A Habitat

Future plans

We would like to remove some of the trailing blackberry around the edges of the site.

We want to makes signs for the huckleberry and a few other plants that will be around for awhile.

We wanted to make a trail but the snow Gods decided against us. The proposed trail would go from the prarie area to the sidewalk in front of our site.

This site is nicer without intensive care because it retains some of its wildness that makes it so endearing, but the forementioned would add to it without taking that away. 

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whats up with these?!? 

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Snow Berry

Snow berry!!!!!!!Snow berry!!!!!!!

These berries look pretty but are poisonous, they are nice flower arrangments or wreathes

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Trailing Blackberry

Trailing BlackberryTrailing Blackberry


There is lot of this around the edges of our site 

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False Solomon's Seal

False Solomon's SealFalse Solomon's Seal

Medicinal uses:

Fresh root helps reduce swelling and inflamations, for things such as stings, bites, and poison oak rashs.

Syrup tea or chunk of chewed fresh root soothes the throat and help get rid of chest colds.

Its anti-inflammatory properties work both internally and topically.

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Licorice Fern

Licorice FernLicorice Fern

Decreases inflammatory and hypersensitivity states. Works best for lung irritations, stomach, and colon irritability, and for inflamed throat, mouth, and gums.

shouldn't be used with aspirin allergies.

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Wild Ginger

Wild gingerWild ginger-

It is found on both sides of the cascades.

Medicinal values:

makes you sweat and not just your skin, but also tear glands, sinuses, mouth, and stomach.

It stimulates thinning secretion of the uterus. It also stimulates eruptions of measles and chicken pox. It is good for dry head colds, and bronchial problems. It also lowers your fever because you sweat it all out. Not for use during pregnancy or with gastric irritation. A few drops for babies and small children is good for colic.

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Cold and Flu Tea

Cold and Flu Tea


1/2 tsp Yarrow, 1/2 tsp Chamomile, 1/2 tsp Elder, 1/2 tsp Lemon Balm, 1/4 tsp Ginger, 1/4 tsp Licorice

to one boiling cup water. Drink 1/4 to 1/2 cup doses throughout the day



A Kid's Herb Book for Children of All Ages by Lesley Tierra pg 174

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Goals and Accomplishments

Our Vision

Our initial intentions were to clean up our site by weeding and pruning. We then approached the idea of introducing new species of plants such as Wild Strawberry or Kinnikinnick for low ground cover. We also wanted to discover more about the plants in our area by performing plant identification and habitat types. We also wanted to transplant one or two of our Vine Maples out because they were a little crowded, but unfortunately we were unable to do so at this time.


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