Decorative Areas

Winter Plant Wish List


UPPER LEVEL:  For the upper garden we want to create an area to greet visitors and give a sense of the gardens beyond.  We chose plants used in Native American ceremonies.  They require little care, are aromatic and self propagating.

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Winter Area Introduction

Alisa McDuff

Allyson Ruppenthal

Healing Gardens, Winter

Habitat/Theme Introduction


About the Decorative Areas


Mission Statement

The mission of the Decorative Areas is to provide a natural and cultural introduction to the Longhouse and the surrounding native habitats contained within the ethnobotanical garden.

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Winter Decorative Gardens


k'bc-to listen to someone

k'o-gather together

kded-to give thanks for

cel-to bring home

ge-to bring together

ga-to follow

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G. Visions

We envision an upper area that is welcoming and informative.  It will include a stepping stone for the front corner surrounded by bear grass to both decorate the area and give people a way to cut the corner without degrading the site.  The addition of other native plants such a gooseberry will also help to make a pleasing presentation.  A standing map briefly describing the Longhouse Garden areas would give all a greater understanding of the wonders to be seen.

We envision a lower area inviting one to enter the Longhouse.  We want to paint the garbage can so it melts into its surroundings.  Keeping the area tended is also important.

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F. Our Accomplishments

Fall and winter make up the inner, or "yin" time of the year. A great time for recharging and nurturing. Fall represents a time for new beginnings and new endeavors. We, Decorative Area team, have used this time to get to know our site so we can better nurture. We have cut back various flora to give it a chance to recharge. We have identified our area plants and come up with ideas that will enhance the site in all ways.


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B. The theme of Decorative Areas

In the sense of gardens, a decorative area is usually made up of flowering plants that are pleasing to look at. For the Longhouse garden, the decorative areas must be beautiful using native plants.

Working in decorative areas during the Fall was not particularly fun because it is not beautiful or pleasing to look at during this time. For this reason, we spent a lot of our time thinking of plants to add to the area. We also did some grooming and general clean-up of the areas. Although they are not necessarily pleasing to look at, they are less of an eye-sore.

However, as the definition of decorative is:  Suited to decorate or embellish; adorning, we have high hopes for the areas.

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C. Our site described


The upper area of our site is the first introduction to the Longhouse Center.  At this time it consists of a sign and a few plants.


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