Middle Elevations

Site Description

High and Mid elevations

I. Overview: Narrative Description

There are two sections of sloping land that make up the high and middle elevations site on the southwestern side of the Longhouse. A path connects the two sections and leads up to a dried up pond on the upper protion of the land. One side ends at the back up to a brushy decidious forest. The land closer to the forest is covered in thick brush while the land closer to the pavement is covered sparsely by ferns, trailing blackberries, adn small tufts of grass. The general shape of the garden is long rectangles, th longside towards the longhouse. Remnants of past work are the pond liner and some brush that looks weed wack attacked. A lone bunchberry sign stands awkwardly by some native blackberry.

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The Middle elevations ranges from 700 to 1200 meters and is the habitat of numerous unique species of plants. The Mid-elevations contains evergreen forests and in it's understory contains plants that thrive in wet, shady areas where the air is a bit thinner and the temperature changes more drastically.

The forest of middle elevations is much like that of any forest. Here though, cedars are not the giants, usually hemlocks tower over the other trees. Stands of mountain alders also are a common mid-elevation forest.

River's edge middle elevation forest example, Mt. Baker Snoqualmie ForestRiver's edge middle elevation forest example, Mt. Baker Snoqualmie ForestRiver's edge middle elevation forest example, Mt. Baker Snoqualmie Forest

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