Forest Understory C

Mixed Forest C Winter '07 Presentation

Winter Quarter 2007 - Presentation attached below in PowerPoint

Longhouse Garden Presentation - Winter 2007
Mixed Forest C
- Forest Understory

PowerPoint presentation file attached below.

Cedar Ceremony - performed as part of presentation.

Large Quartz – place around the tree
Small Quartz for planting near cedar
Singing Bowl
Tobacco, cedar, sweetgrass, and knickinick will be burned in an abalone shell

The participants (the healing garden students and instructor) will gather around the cedar in mixed forest C. Anastarr, Meg, and Michelle will ask for everyone’s attention with the singing bowl.

The three of us come in and scatter tobacco at the base of the cedar as an offering.
Anastarr – “There was a real good man who was always helping others. If they needed, he gave; when they wanted, he gave them food and clothing. When the Great Spirit saw this, he said, ‘That man has done his work; when he dies, where he is buried, a cedar tree will grow and be useful to the people; the roots for baskets, the bark for clothing, the wood for shelter.’”
Michelle – Singing bowl to start ceremony
Michelle -- plays drum
Meg -- A ceremony acts as a way in which we can express ourselves in a sacred manner. We perform this ritual with reverence and respect bringing purpose and focus to our highest intentions. Our ceremony will be of gratitude, a way of expressing our honor.
Kimberly – begins blessing
Anastarr – The Quartz crystal is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. It absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it. It protects against radiation and takes the energy to the most perfect state possible. At a spiritual level, this crystal raises energy to the highest possible cleansing level. Containing every color possible, it works on all levels of being, bringing all living things into balance. These crystals help to amplify our thoughts of thankfulness. We thank the spirit of the Western Red Cedar for its gifts.
Meg -- We now invite you to participate in this sacred blessing by simply taking a deep breath in and exhaling with any sound you choose expressing your thanks and blessing.
Michelle – singing bowl
(The three of us then plant the quartz around the tree.)
End ceremony & thank everyone

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Mixed Forest C Fall '06 Presentation

Presentation is attached in Powerpoint format.

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