Moist Forest Edge

Plants found in our habitat

Plants found in our site:


Taraxacum officinale

Sword Fern

Polystichum munitum

Trailing Wild Blackberry

Rubus ursinus


Vaccinium parvifolium


Symphoricarpos albus

False Solomon's Seal

Smilacina racemosa 

Big-Leaf Maple

Acer macrophyllum

Wild Ginger

Asarum caudatum 

Licorice Fern

Polypodium glycyrrhiza

Wild Strawberry 

Fragaria virginiana 

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Our Impressions

Nick: I liked the wildness of this area, it was very calming also at the same time. It was nice and secluded. The variation of the site was also one of the nicer things about it. I feel like there were more animals in this area because of this. I also feel the moist forest edge likes its solitude; it is tolerant of visitors, but content with none.


Brandi:The energy in the moist forest edge has always been really special to me. When We talk about spirits of the plants I always feel that i can relate to the spirits in our habitats more than i can recognize them in most places. The moss creeping over everything, with trailing blackberry claiming territory amongst it all....It's a wonderful unique feeling that is hard to describe.  

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Moist Forest Edge

Area Name: Moist Forest Edge

Habitat Type: Forest

Overview: The moist forest edge is on the side of the Longhouse Garden. It is shady and wet and harbors a number of plant species in a wilderness feeling area as opposed to much of the garden. IT is a calm area that is out of the way. It includes two strange PVC pipes that are sticking out of the ground.

Size: The area is roughly 80ft by 35ft.

Shape: Long and narrow with a wider spot in the middle.

Topography: It is quite uneven and undulating.

Slope: It has a slope of about 5% where it begins but then evens out slightly, but it is highly varied.

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