So i guess that it is normal for kids to turn out some what like their parents and all because they are the biggest influence to the kid from the start. I have this friend who has a child and this man is abusive to the mother and the child sees that on a regular basis and is now 2 1/2 and is showing signs of defiant 'bully' behavior. the kid is a male so that dominate bully gene probably is already there, but will it seem more normal as he grows up to treat woman like his dad? is he doomed to begin with? i know eventually we all develop a sense of right from wrong and a conscience like when the parents aren't the only influence...i mean the kid already says swear words! is that just bad parenting? he doesn't have the best role models...his dad is an alcoholic who is consistently in and out of jail and his mom works and constently taking back and forgiving his dad for beating will the kid adopt the idea that that is the way it works? I mean i know that not all kids end up like their parents...i came from living in the ghetto with a drug addictive mother and siblings and i grew up knowing that, but i saw what the drugs made them and decided that that life style wasnt for me..but this kid has some serious violent it just a stage that all little boys go through and will grow out of? or is it programed in his little mind that its ok to act the way he does and how his parents do? its like 330 in the AM and i was just kind of thinking and rambling. it was all triggered because i'm with his dad and he was telling me all the things that his kid does. and i have always wondered what his son will turn out to be like since i have known him since birth and am very aware of the at home situation. i dunno i guess if i just think about it hard enough i would find this silly and could come up with some rational explanation, but, i'm tired......