Innovation and Leadership in American Business

Beyond Business as Usual

Fall 2006


Learning Goals for Fall Quarter

  1. To gain a large view of the role of businesses in society and of how businesses operate.
  2. To grasp some fundamentals of accounting and finance, with particular emphasis on how to read and use financial statements.
  3. To understand human behavior within organizations and issues related to leadership and ethics.
  4. To gain an understanding of the economics of business decisions, encompassing introductions to both microeconomics and macroeconomics and decision models used in planning and managing firm operations.
  5. To understand how business skills are applicable to management of government, non-profit and for-profit organizations.
  6. To improve basic study and learning skills such as writing, oral expression and critical thinking.


Winter Quarter Pages

Home, General Program Documents/Syllabus, Organizational Development, Finance and Accounting, Economics, Business Simulation


Fall Quarter Pages