Equity in Education Legal Database v0.1

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Sandlin v. Johnson (1981)


In a second-grade class in which only one student was promoted to the third grade, 22 students of various races and genders sought review from the courts. The plaintiffs claimed that the students could either read at a third-grade level or were delayed because of negligence on the part of the school. They further put forth that the retainment would cause irreparable damage to the students' self-images and delay future employment and well-being. The defendants asserted that while the students were certainly capable of achieving the third-grade reading level, they had not yet done so according the assessments provided by the district, and that promotion before these skills were acquired would be counterproductive and ultimately harmful. The 4th Circuit Court decided in favor of the defendants.


Applications and Implications:

  • Because no higher test was triggered through racial or gender discrimination, the rational basis test was applicable, and the plaintiffs failed to meet the burden of proof.
  • The 4th Circuit Court further asserted that "we decline to further enlarge the judicial presence in the academic community and thereby risk deterioration of many beneficial aspects of the faculty-student relationship."


EdLaw Online Library. (n.d.). Sandlin v. Retrieved Feb 28, 2008, from http://www.faculty.piercelaw.edu/redfield/library/case-sandlin.htm.
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