Equity in Education Legal Database v0.1

Equity Topics

Age and Ability Classifications

English Language Learners

Gender Discrimination

Racial Discrimination

Students with Disabilities



This project was undertaken with the goal of creating an easily accessible database on education law. Because many aspects of the field of education are highly politicized, an understanding of how education law affects the field is useful for all involved. Teachers, parents, students, and others interested in the subject can use this database to quickly answer their questions on how the law affects them without the assistance of professional legal counsel. Within the database, you will find details of important laws, acts, and court decisions, with potentially confusing legal jargon linked to definitions for ease of understanding. Suggestions for the inclusion of further definitions in future versions are always welcome via email.


When students are treated inequitably, teachers may be one of the first potential advocates. Students and parents may not realize the extent of their rights and options under the law, and teachers are in a position in which to inform them. Because of this, the current version of the database is wholly devoted to equity in education with regards to students' rights. The author is aware that equity topics are extensive and that this database is not exhaustive of those topics. The author further hopes that future versions of this database will expand this scope to other aspects of education law.


Disclaimer: This database is not to be considered a substitute for professional legal counsel. It is the product of individual research on the part of the author, and is intended to operate as a starting point resource. The author takes no responsibility for the outcome of legal proceedings undertaken because of information found within this database. The author of the database is Rich Coker, Masters in Teaching student at the Evergreen State College, and he can be contacted for permissions of use by clicking the 'Contact' link above and on each page.

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