Equity in Education Legal Database v0.1

Related Laws and Acts

Rehabilitation Act of 1973


School Board of Nassau County vs. Arline (1987)
Robertson v. Granite City Community Unit School District 9 (1988)


A teacher at an elementary school suffered a series of tuberculosis relapses. In the first two, she was suspended with pay, but in the third relapse she was discharged. The only reason given for her discharge was her tuberculosis.

In another case, an elementary school student with AIDS was excluded from public education activities and extracurricular activities because of the student's illness. Both cases were determined to be discrimination under the RHA.

Applications and Implications:

  • The RHA extends to people with contagious diseases, even when they are not invalid.


Imber, Michael and Tyll van Geel (2004). Education Law (3rd ed.). Mahwah, MJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, p. 259.
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