Equity in Education Legal Database v0.1

Related Court Cases

Castenada v. Pickard (1981)

Lau v. Nichols (1974)


Equal Educational Opportunities Act


The Equal Educational Opportunities Act (EEOA) prohibits the denial of equal educational opportunity based on race, color, sex or national origin. It specifically disallows deliberate segregation, school assignments or transfers other than the closest school to the student's residence if it will result in greater segregation, discrimination related to employment of faculty in staff (except to overcome language barriers), or taking appropriate action to overcome language barriers that are impeding participation of students.


Applications and Implications:

  • The EEOA is the blanket legislation that covers many discrimination cases in schools. It has been used as a starting point for addressing violations of the rights of English Language Learners.
  • The Castenada tests have been used to determine violations of the EEOA.


Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium (n.d.) EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY ACT (20 USC Sec. 1703). Retrieved Feb 22, 2008, from http://www.maec.org/laws/eeo.html.
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