An Audiovisual Environment Suite

Submitted by smijed07 on Sun, 10/29/2006 - 7:49pm.

This isn't specifically related to the Max programming environment, but to audiovisual interactive systems in general. I found a link to this Audiovisual Environment Suite by browsing through the website of the guy who wrote the dissertation on Glitch Aesthetics, which I posted about before. From that page, I was linked to the page containing a large and exceedingly interesting collection of audiovisual projects mixing programming, art, and technology, by the fantastically amazing Golan Levin. Interesting things abound upon this website, and I urge you to check them out if you are interested in this type of thing.

This project is very interesting in its ability to completely integrate realtime animation and sound synthesis. I urge you to look at the videos, it is quite interesting.
