Callie Week 7

Submitted by tracal27 on Thu, 05/17/2007 - 2:29pm.

Thank you for the encouragement concerning my animation!

I actually took some time off of work to get into the MML yesterday.  I feel I made good progress- approx. two minutes logged from each of 17 tapes and then a few other pieces.  I was able to schedule more time for next Monday and then I will play with matching them all on a timeline, the registration, etc.  I am sososososooooo far behind with all that's been going on this quarter.  But I am trying to stay positive about the project.
I finalized the preparations for working at Super Saturday this morning.  I had to register as a vendor and blahblahblah.  So that is positive.
The feedback on doing business cards and stuff on Tuesday was really helpful.  I am looking into die-cut mirrors and will probably end up with several different card layouts that I use for different purposes.  Same with the resume.  On the subject of resumes- I updated my resume a bit based on some of the feedback from the FSW and will post each version as an image?  I haven't done that yet, but I'll see what I can figure out if anyone wants to check it out, give more feedback, whatever.  Also- I am working on a seperate version that will highlight customer service and Mirror Mirror, plus a franchise I had a few years ago.

Travis new resume.doc35 KB
Travis resume.doc49 KB