F#&% me gently with a chainsaw, Heather; I'm almost done.

Submitted by blajoh03 on Sun, 06/10/2007 - 6:45pm.

After marathon editing and scoring sessions, I am close to being done. For the first time, the piece sits in its entirety in a single time line in final cut.  It is 75% scored, and the rest will begin in ten minutes when I move from the non-linear suites into the music tech labs. 

After remixing the opening score with John Manini this morning, I sat down and ground away at the two "problem" scenes until I was happy enough to place them into the time line. Then, for the first time, I watched my piece all the way through. After two pages of notes, i began revising. Two hours later, the two pages were gone and I did a preliminary export to serve as guide for my scoring (Digital Performer supports video, YAY!).   Though I am in a good mood now, it has not been all butterscotch and cocoa. This morning I totally wrecked OSX like 3 times trying to update my file back-ups on the server. It was too much info for those silly little buses to handle and it just didn't work. So now, I am hanging precariously over the edge of oblivion, with no current back-up of my project.   If my drive, also made by Lacie, shares the same fate as the Unicorns' drive, all will be lost.  I am very frightened. I will be able to hopefully back up my project file, but as far as all the newer materials go, they will be left in the cold.

 I am already excited about new projects. One is a $0 music video for my band I'm going to shoot this summer. I am going to shoot it entirely on my Canon Rebel, implementing some very creative synch methods.  This will also be a great opportunity for me to further delve into the world of After Effects. Hush Hush, as I knew it would, served as an introducer to the program, and now I am very excited about learning even more fun compositing and animating tools inside its bottomless belly.

Hopefully, On Wednesday, I will also be setting up a video installation in Com 210. It is last minute, but its all there. Get ready. Its gonna be something.