OPTIONAL: Revise Fall/Winter Self-Evaluation

Submitted by smijed07 on Mon, 04/23/2007 - 3:03pm.

•• YOUR CHOICE. NOT REQUIRED. If needed, edit your Fall/Winter Self-Eval and incorporate it into a multi-quarter SOS self-eval, to be completed by the end of WEEK 10 and e-mailed to Julia by FRIDAY JUNE 8.

I've been reading through all of your Fall and Winter self-evals to get a sense of how you're thinking about the learning you're doing this year. I want to strongly suggest that you all take a look at your Fall and Winter Evals and edit them accordingly:

  • Readers will be bored by reading lists of things you *did* or reading detailed descriptions of your production process.
  • Focus on KEY aspects of your progress only, and always contextualize them.
  • As you edit your self-evals, aim to provide your reader with a sense of the ideas or concepts you're interested in and how your thinking about these concepts has progressed or changed over the course of the quarter/s.
  • You also want to give the reader a sense of the *larger* (bigger picture) things you've learned over the quarter/s (not only descriptions of the smaller things).
  • I'm encouraging you to be more engaging and reflective while providing your reader with less process/production/technical detail.