Nadia Buyse

Student Work

goal statements

Submitted by buynad14 on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 6:32pm.

well here is a list of what my goals are to be for the rest of this quarter:

-graduate (doy)

- create LOVE a "popera", and perform with it around the northwest.

-Make a finalized video of my performance of Television for my super sweet portfolio

- make a portfolio dvd and one dvd i can use to distribute, aka learn DVD studio pro since i had to miss out last  quarter because it conflicted with the SOS performance schedule.

- create some sort of photo project from my euro tour, either in the form of the slideshow or maybe even a storybook layout

-become more aware of the job and grad school application process by attending the sweet finishing school workshops

-record scratch tracks and actual mixes of the original music that will be used in LOVE a "Popera"

-this is all i can think of now but maybe i'll add something later!!! 


Spring quarter Schedule

Submitted by buynad14 on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 1:13pm.

here is the schedule for the remainder of the quarter:

week five:

pre production for LOVE a "popera"

which includes:



writing 5 songs

begin recording scratch tracks of songs

organzing for live arrangements

shooting script

equipment checklists

making a goal statment, treatment for new project and schedule (oh my god I'm doing that right now!)

first dvd studio pro workshop, start designing dvd for portfolio and distribution

week six

finishing school part 1

finish recording scratch tracks

shoot all video content for popera

shoot cold reads of scripts for portfolio dvd 

more dvd studio pro workshops; finish design start actually making dvd(s)

week seven

WIP where i will present rushes and scratch tracks of music

begin editing and rehearsal of piece

finishing school part 2

week eight

WIP where i will present what i have of the edited from the past week complete with live musical performance

finish edit

copyright workshop

week nine

individual conference

dvd should be complete

project should be complete

eval should be complete

Week ten

final critique

first performance of "popera" or maybe extend performance to mini tour of northwest

Eval week

evergreen performance of piece



So I found out why the sound guy was such an asshole and other interesting tidbits...

Submitted by buynad14 on Tue, 04/24/2007 - 4:06pm.

apparently he was in that embarrassing dude band called guided by voices so he thinks he's pretty cool. God I hate him...anyway moving on.

I didn't think i posted a link to the pictures of the festival in Rome

these are not the best pics i have seen but they're something to look at until i get home with more....I want to have a show and tell with a slide show and such when i return, and hopefully i'll get my prints soon. I only have four days left...two in berlin, one in rome and one in bologna. I'm really excited to play the bologna festival...the kids there seem really cool. From what I've been hearing they are much more involved in gender politics and anti-fascist movements through art then the other people I have been meeting. I'm not really that impressed with berlin. It's so gentrified that it literally feels like i could be in any city in america. I'm also in kruezberg, which might have something to do with it. regardless it's been wonderful and I will be coming back here soon i'm sure.

Update From Berlin

Submitted by buynad14 on Sun, 04/22/2007 - 2:27pm. |

Hi Hi Hi.
So i wanted to write an update after the show in berlin. it was good. there were only about 400 people there and the sound guy was an asshole. people were really into it and the venue was amazing. I really don't think anything i ever do will top the rome show, or at least on this tour. I did however meet lots of amazing queer performance artists like the lovely and talented miss fish and christian from copenhagen and elisabeth who is the only member of band ill ease. for her band she has all of her instruments on stage and then makes loops so that she can play them all at the same time... its fun to watch but i dont think the germans got it. They really aren't interested in anything but techno or dance music, although they did love the electropera. Everybody here thinks it's funny that i call myself dj european dj because apparently everyone in berlin is dj something or other. the one thing that i think is so fascinating about berlin is all of the construction and empty spaces. Its literally been like 60 years since WW2 and they are still rebuilding. I have yet to see any tourist attractions, since i've been at the festival every night until 7 am.but after monday we will have a few days rest here before we go to bologna and go home.

Nadia in Rome

Submitted by buynad14 on Sun, 04/15/2007 - 10:46pm.

I'm in total shock and aww right now. I performed Television in front of two thousand and two hundred people last night in a 500 year old military fort turned punk squat. It was amazing. It was more then amazing it was overwhelming. I spent most of my time in the green room with the other bands which was in a tower in the military fort. Climbing those stairs was a total bitch. The people here are so amazing and the things they do are even more amazing. I'm staying with this girl who developed this software that, from what I gather, is like a video manipulation and playback tool. There's this close knit group of people throughout Europe who use the software and come together every year to have a film festival of the work they do.I'm forgetting the name of the group and festival but when I ask her again I'll post it. Also I played with this band from canada called kids on TV who do this amazing multimedia performance. I think You can check them out further at

show In san francisco

Submitted by buynad14 on Tue, 04/10/2007 - 10:25pm.

hi media friends. right now I'm in Beautiful SAN FRANSISCO california. I played one show here at the lonestar tavern, SF's premier Bear Bar (if you don't know what a bear is I'll break it down for you, it's basically a burly fag). There were technical difficulties right from the get go,we couldn't get a projector so I just did a musical performance. I ended up blowing out one of the speakers in the back area so we had to move the show to the front. the sound was kind of terrible but all in all it was a magical evening. There are pictures posted here
on the myspace page of devon devine, the tour manager/ road manager/ amazing media artist. there are also pics form a show my band played in SF just a couple of weeks ago. I feel that I've been on tour for so long and I haven't even left for Europe yet since my band went on tour before I left. I'm getting really used to feeling like I'm en route.