To Receive Full Credit in SOS:Media Spring quarter you must do the following:

Submitted by smijed07 on Mon, 04/23/2007 - 3:59pm.
  1. Attend all class sessions and be punctual. Since we meet so infrequently, illness should be the only reason to miss a meeting or part of one. Please communicate with me about any absence IN ADVANCE.
  2. Complete a self evaluation for Spring Quarter. Due Fri of Week 10 (June 8) by email.
  3. Complete an evaluation of the program faculty, Julia Zay, and submit it directly to Julia or to Cindy Fry, Com Building Program Secretary
  4. Complete and submit a personal syllabus/schedule to Julia and post on drupal site by Tuesday of week 3.
  5. Complete a goals statement for the quarter and submit to Julia and post on drupal site by Tuesday of week 4.
  6. Complete and submit a packet of materials for the Finishing School Workshop as follows:
    1. cover letter/s
    2. resume/s and/or CVs
    3. artist statement and/or additional materials as specified in your job posting or grad application
  7. Present your creative work at at least 2 WIP sessions and at the Week 10 final critique [Evidence of continuing work]
  8. Participate in critiques and class discussions
  9. Post progress updates weekly on the drupal site