wk 9 update

Submitted by smiamb28 on Sat, 06/02/2007 - 1:22pm.

so me and randy spent the last two days on the poster, i like the way it turned out. all that is left to do is put em up. as for what i have been up to. i am attempting to finish my eval this weekend. i have also designed two different dvds. one for promotion, and one for grad school. i have all of the videos compressed and ready to burn, so i'm going to do that on monday. i'm going to use the three video dvd menu and a more basic one for employment opportunities and distribution.

i have just finished sitting in on a class on web streaming. although i already had an idea, it was a nice refresher and to have slow step by step instructions. this has made me excited to have my own website and post my videos on it. i'm opposed to youtube and myspace video because of all the ads. besides that i have a tiny bit of refining on my video and i will be done. i tried to shoot some more video experiments, but they haven't turned out how i wanted. maybe i'll work on that next week. i'm going to new york in two weeks. if anybody has any food or entertainment suggestions i would appreciate it. i'm going to focus on writing a strong eval this weekend. and on monday i will burn my final mom for the screening. that is what is up.